


  • 0577-67992107
  • 1913992444
  • 18906643301
  • Model:
  • Category:Soft seal butterfly valve
Product Brief:歡迎訪問阿里巴巴網(wǎng)站,本公司24小時候服務(wù)熱線13353392203,期待您的來電 D41X-16C/1.4529 D代表蝶閥 4代表連接方式為法蘭 1代表中線結(jié)構(gòu) 'X代表密封為橡膠 16代表公稱壓力 C代表碳鋼 1.4529代表閥板為雙向不銹鋼 密封材質(zhì)有丁晴橡膠,三元乙丙,EPDM,閥體材質(zhì)有球墨鑄鐵,鑄鋼,板(304不銹鋼,球墨,1.4529,2507雙向不銹鋼,316不銹鋼,316L不銹鋼)可根據(jù)客戶要求定做,歡迎新老客戶來電洽談,本公司24小時聯(lián)系電話 1、①產(chǎn)品名稱與型

















    D41X-16C/1.4529板手動法蘭鑄鋼脫硫蝶閥 Download Google:
    一、Product Parameters

    1、Standard, product name, model, nominal diameter.

    2、Medium, temperature and pressure range.

    3、Are there any accessories, delivery time, special requirements, etc. so that we can choose the right type for you.

    二、If the design unit has selected the valve model of our company, please order directly with our sales center according to the valve parameters.
    三、When the occasion you use is very important or the environment is more complicated, please provide design drawings and detailed parameters, our engineer experts will concentrate on reviewing and analyzing for you. We can provide you with professional solutions, including design, custom-made, complete set, operation and service. We have always been a leader in the valve industry, providing you with the latest valve knowledge, best service, and best technical consultants. If you have any questions, please contact us, we will do our best to provide you with quality service.

    Our company's product warranty period is one year from the factory date. We promise: three guarantees for quality, free repair / replacement of quality problems during the warranty period
    1、Pre-sale Service

    A、According to the special requirements of customers, technical exchange, design and manufacture of products.

    B、Provide pre-sale technical questions for customers to help customers rationalize selection.

    C、Provide new, special and difficult engineering production technology consultation or draw up suitable production plan

    2、Sale Service

    A、Keep the contract and deliver on time.

    B、Keep in touch with customers in time to solve problems.

    3、After-sales Service

    A、Assist customers in drafting construction cases

    B、Regular return visit usage

    C、During the warranty period, free repair / replacement of quality problems

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