


  • 0577-67992107
  • 1913992444
  • 18906643301
  • Model:
  • Category:Butterfly Valve
Product Brief:D643X-10Z的概述 閥門類型代號:D代表蝶閥 驅(qū)動方式代號: 6代表氣動 連接形式代號: 4代表法蘭連接 結(jié)構(gòu)形式代號: 3偏心結(jié)構(gòu) 密封面材料代號:X丁青橡膠 壓力代號: 10工作溫度下的工作壓力代號 閥體材料代號; Z代表鑄鐵 詳細(xì)說明 氣動法蘭硬密封蝶閥D643H-10/16/25/40是采用一個U型不銹鋼密封圈,該精密的彈性密封圈與經(jīng)過拋光的蝶板三維 偏心接觸。解決了傳統(tǒng)偏心蝶閥在啟閉0~10瞬間密封面仍處于滑動接觸摩擦的弊病,實現(xiàn)蝶板在開啟 瞬間密封面即分離,關(guān)閉接觸


    驅(qū)動方式代號:  “6”代表氣動
    連接形式代號: “4”代表法蘭連接
    結(jié)構(gòu)形式代號:  “3”偏心結(jié)構(gòu)
     壓力代號:       “10”工作溫度下的工作壓力代號 
    閥體材料代號;    “Z”代表鑄鐵
    制造標(biāo)準(zhǔn) JB/T 8527-97
    法蘭標(biāo)準(zhǔn) GB9113-2000
    結(jié)構(gòu)長度標(biāo)準(zhǔn) GB12221-89
    檢驗標(biāo)準(zhǔn) GB/T 13927-92
    公稱通經(jīng)DN(mm) 50~2000
    公稱藥理PN(MPa) 0.6 1.0 1.6 2.5
    密封試驗(MPa) 0.66 1.1 1.76 2.75
    強(qiáng)度試驗(MPa) 0.9 1.5 2.4 3.75
    適用溫度 碳鋼:-29℃~425℃不銹鋼:-40℃~650℃
    適用介質(zhì) 水、空氣、天然氣、油品及弱腐蝕性流體
    泄漏率 符合GB/T13927-92標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
    驅(qū)動方式 蝸輪傳動、電動、氣動、液動
    零件名稱 材料
    閥體 WCB、合金鋼、不銹鋼、QT450-10
    蝶板 WCB、合金鋼、不銹鋼、QT450-10
    閥軸 2Cr13不銹鋼、合金鋼
    密封圈 不銹鋼圈
    填料 柔性石墨
    公稱通經(jīng)(DN) 主要尺寸 法蘭尺寸和螺栓規(guī)格
    1.0MPa 1.6MPa 2.5MPa
    L H1 H D D1 n-Фd D D1 n-Фd D D1 n-Фd
    50 108 530 112 165 125 4-18 165 125 4-18 165 125 4-18
    65 112 530 115 185 145 4-18 185 145 4-18 185 145 8-18
    80 114 565 120 200 160 4-18 200 160 8-18 200 160 8-18
    100 127 600 138 220 180 8-18 220 180 8-18 235 190 8-22
    125 140 640 164 250 210 8-18 250 210 8-18 270 220 8-26
    150 140 705 175 285 240 8-22 285 240 8-22 300 250 8-26
    200 152 775 200 340 295 8-22 340 295 12-22 360 310 12-26
    250 165 945 243 395 350 12-22 405 355 12-26 425 370 12-30
    300 178 1070 250 445 400 12-22 460 410 12-26 485 430 16-30
    350 190 1140 280 505 460 16-22 520 470 12-26 555 490 16-33
    400 216 1210 305 565 515 16-26 580 525 16-26 620 550 16-36
    450 222 1335 350 615 565 20-26 640 585 16-30 670 600 20-36
    500 229 1415 380 670 620 20-26 715 650 20-30 730 660 20-36
    600 267 1605 445 780 725 20-30 840 770 20-33 845 770 20-39
    700 292 1844 480 895 840 24-30 910 840 24-36 960 875 24-42
    800 318 2040 530 1015 950 24-33 1025 950 24-39 1085 990 24-48
    900 330 2255 580 1115 1050 28-33 1125 1050 28-39 1185 1090 28-48
    1000 410 2380 650 1230 1160 28-36 1255 1170 28-42 1320 1210 28-56
    1200 470 2640 760 1455 1380 32-39 1485 1390 32-48 1530 1420 32-56
    1400 530 2886 850 1675 1590 36-42 1685 1590 36-48 1755 1640 36-62
    1600 600 3156 1030 1915 1820 40-48 1930 1820 40-56 1975 1860 40-62
    1800 670 3421 1230 2115 2020 44-48 2130 2020 44-56 2195 2070 44-70
    2000 760 3685 1350 2325 2230 48-48 2345 2230 48-62 2425 2300 48-70
    D643F/X-10/16氣動三偏心鑄鐵蝶閥 Download Google:
    一、Product Parameters

    1、Standard, product name, model, nominal diameter.

    2、Medium, temperature and pressure range.

    3、Are there any accessories, delivery time, special requirements, etc. so that we can choose the right type for you.

    二、If the design unit has selected the valve model of our company, please order directly with our sales center according to the valve parameters.
    三、When the occasion you use is very important or the environment is more complicated, please provide design drawings and detailed parameters, our engineer experts will concentrate on reviewing and analyzing for you. We can provide you with professional solutions, including design, custom-made, complete set, operation and service. We have always been a leader in the valve industry, providing you with the latest valve knowledge, best service, and best technical consultants. If you have any questions, please contact us, we will do our best to provide you with quality service.

    Our company's product warranty period is one year from the factory date. We promise: three guarantees for quality, free repair / replacement of quality problems during the warranty period
    1、Pre-sale Service

    A、According to the special requirements of customers, technical exchange, design and manufacture of products.

    B、Provide pre-sale technical questions for customers to help customers rationalize selection.

    C、Provide new, special and difficult engineering production technology consultation or draw up suitable production plan

    2、Sale Service

    A、Keep the contract and deliver on time.

    B、Keep in touch with customers in time to solve problems.

    3、After-sales Service

    A、Assist customers in drafting construction cases

    B、Regular return visit usage

    C、During the warranty period, free repair / replacement of quality problems

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